520 Franklin Ave, Suite 126, Garden City, NY 11530

Relaxing Dentistry in Garden City. Dental Care from Dr. Nancy Tobin

added on: September 25, 2012

People who live in and around Manhattan live pretty fast-paced lives. They are very scheduled and want to get things done, but they also like to take every opportunity they get to have a moment of relaxation. These are the kind of people my dental practice here in Garden City caters to.

We have a very efficiently run office. For one thing, patients don’t wait to see me or any member of my team after their appointed time has arrived. (Though sometimes, patients arrive a little early to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea from the Keurig in our reception room.) We schedule one patient at a time and prepare everything for you before you arrive.

We are also so careful with patients and perform our tasks so gently that some patients even fall asleep during their treatments! And while some people may find that surprising, it is exactly the kind of thing we are set up for. We personalize everything and even offer neck pillows, cozy blanks and soothing music in every room. If that isn’t comforting and comfortable dentistry, I don’t know what is!

For more information about how we can meet your specific and individual needs, please Garden City New York dental office at (516) 747-2535.

Posted In: Dental Articles

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