520 Franklin Ave, Suite 126, Garden City, NY 11530
Oral Health and the Risk of Alzheimer’s
added on: September 14, 2023
Tobin Dental Care in Garden City, NY

Maintaining good oral hygiene is a practice ingrained in our daily routines, from brushing and flossing to regular dental check-ups with your dentist in Garden City. But did you know that your oral health can affect more than just your smile? Recent research has uncovered a surprising link between oral… Read More…

COVID-19 & Cracked Teeth
added on: February 15, 2021
stressed man with mask

Over the past year, some dental offices have been reporting higher rates of cracked teeth than in years’ past. Take this dentist’s experience documented in the New York Times for example. So, is there some weird connection between COVID-19 and cracked teeth? Well, kind of. While cracked teeth are not… Read More…

Your Missing Tooth is No Match For These Dental Solutions
added on: March 28, 2019
man missing tooth

Your Garden City dentist knows what it’s like to lose a tooth. Sometimes there’s a little pain. Sometimes you might feel embarrassed. Sometimes you’re just in the wrong place at the wrong time and then “smack” your tooth gets knocked out. Trust us when we say it happens (and it’s… Read More…

Dental Care

Are you embarrassed by the
appearance of your smile?


Need a permanent option
for missing teeth?


Did you know that snoring can
actually be a very serious problem?