520 Franklin Ave, Suite 126, Garden City, NY 11530

Full Mouth Reconstruction

added on: March 25, 2014

In some cases, patients’ teeth may be so decayed, injured/fractured, or worn/eroded that they may require extensive treatment known as “full mouth reconstruction.” Also known as “full mouth restoration” and “full mouth rehabilitation,” this rebuidling/restoring process typically involves every tooth in both the upper and lower jaws. The process begins with a thorough examination and evalutation of the patient’s teeth, gums, and occlusion (bite). It continues with an assessment of the color, shape, size, and proportion of the teeth with respect to how they relate to the gums, lips, mouth, side profile, and face. Then, after taking x-rays, impressions, and photographs, the dentist (in conjuction with specialists, if necessary) can recommend procedures and techniques for totally restoring the teeth.

Our commitment to patient care translates into specialized care for each patient. Every person we treat has a unique dentition and oral health condition, so we take pride in designing customized treatment plans. We want you to receive the highest quality, complete, and affordable dental care. We keep abreast of all new procedures, and we would like to increase public awareness of the importance of prevention oral health care. Our aim is to provide individual attention and care to every patient so that we can learn about his or her special needs. Call us to schedule an appointment. We provide comprehensive care, prevention, and maintenance for a lifetime of smiles. Our welcoming and modern office focuses on each individual patient, attention to detail, and a passion for excellence.

We offer a complete selection of procedures, from simple whitening to total smile makeovers. We can give you a smile you’ll be proud to show.

Dental Care

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