A lot of times we are presented with the question, “Do I really need to floss, or is brushing enough?” Dr. Nancy Tobin in Garden City wants you to know that flossing isn’t just a suggestion; it’s an essential part of a healthy oral-wellness routine.
Proper flossing can help reduce the risk of gum disease and cavities, and is an important step toward having an overall healthy mouth. In fact, The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends flossing at least once a day in order to achieve optimal oral health.
Daily flossing removes plaque and bacteria from between the teeth — where a toothbrush can’t reach. If you’re just starting to adopt a good flossing habit, you may experience minor discomfort. It’s important that you don’t stop. If the discomfort doesn’t go away after a week or two of daily flossing, be sure to visit our Garden City dental office as soon as possible.
Flossing Tips for Healthy Gums
Floss before brushing your teeth
Glide the floss in between each tooth using a sawing motion
Angle the floss in a “c” shape around the tooth and slightly below the gumline
Repeat on the opposite tooth
Unravel the floss from your fingers, supplying fresh floss for each set of teeth
Finish up with a proper brushing
Even if you do floss habitually and correctly, it’s still very important to maintain regular visits with your dentist in Garden City. If you’re in need of a professional cleaning or check up, or if you just want to show off your healthy gums, call us to schedule an appointment today.